Saturday, October 11, 2014

London Day 6 - Last morning of the Knitting and Stitching show

It's my last day in London, I need to check out of the hotel this morning and I have a class first thing at the show. So no sleeping in for me today.  I need to get my bags down to reception and pay up before heading for the tube.  Things are a bit quieter this morning.  Only tourists are out this time of the morning on a Saturday.

I want to be at the show by 10am so I can get to a couple of stalls before things get to busy.  I arrive at 9.30am and we start queuing, by 9.40 this is the queue, luckily I'm at the front.

Got what I needed on the stall and headed for class.  I am making a Felted Notebook Cover this morning.  The class is full, and we have a lot of fun, almost finished it, but I have some work to do when I get home. By 11.30 my mother has arrived from Norwich, she got a bus down for the day to have a look around the show.  We only have an hour together before I need to head off.  I show mum the highlights of what she is looking for, we take in some fresh air outside while I wait for the bus and I am off at 12.30 heading for Wood Green and then onto Kings Cross.  Off to the hotel to pick my bags up and on a bus to Liverpool Street station.  Luckily the bus isn't too full with all my bags and I managed to get a seat in the end.

I have a 3pm train to Norwich, it is a 2 hour trip and flies by real fast, I have a bit of blogging to catch up on.

Thanks to Google maps I find the bus stop that goes to Mum's with a couple of mins to spare.  So far things are going well.

By the time we are out towards Mum's there are some really bad looking clouds brewing, I am hoping I can be off the bus and to Mum's front door before it starts raining.  The bus stops, I get my bags off and yes it starts to rain, what a mad dash this is all uphill, putting my running skills to the test here I tell you.  I make it in the door just in time.  Luckily I had my keys in my hand.

Later on I decided to pop out and find something to eat, this ended up being not such a good idea, the clouds ended up being hail, and hail like I have never seen before, I really thought they were going to go through the windscreen.  I waited for a while in the store but decided that it was just rain now so made a run for the car, well there was loads of rain and flooding, in the 20 metres to the car I was drenched and the car park was flooded and my shoes were full of water, why did I decide to go out??

The whole of Norwich looks like it has snowed, just wish I could take a photo but it is just too wet I am afraid. Here's hoping it improves for me to pick Mum up at 8pm in town.

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