Yesterday we headed south, so today we're heading north.
First of all we go to the Falkirk Wheel.
We went there once before but thought Dad would like to see it. When we were there last time, it was winter and the canals were frozen. Now, in summer, the place is in full swing. Dad gets the see the wheel in action, but also the locks are in use. Boats are coming up the canal, and through the lock, to get to the wheel. We get to see the lock empty and fill twice as each boat goes through. Very interesting!
Next we head off to a place Helen and I have had on our list for some time, but never made it to.
Dunmore Pineapple House was built in 1761, and is a unique structure. A house shaped like a pineapple! It is surrounded by lawn and a few trees, and is not open (unless you want to stay a night inside). So we merely came, saw, and satisfied our curiosity. Then we went back to the car and moved on.
We continued on towards our main destination for today,
Scone Palace. This is another we tried to visit before but it was closed then. Today we knew it would be open. It wasn't overly busy and we were made to feel most welcome. We did the obligatory tour inside, and also walked the grounds which was quite relaxing.
Scone is pronounced "Scoon", not as in the posh way of saying "Scone" and certainly not the Kiwi pronunciation "Scon". Anyway all this talk of scones made us hungry so we stopped in the cafe here to have one each with jam and cream. It has to be done!
Scone Palace really does have a colourful history and much of it hinges around the Stone of Destiny, aka the
Stone of Scone. The real thing (if it is in fact the real thing) is held at Edinburgh Castle, but here they have a replica of it outside the chapel.
We saw the beginning of an archeological dig here today. Some students from a nearby university have been planning this for some time and while we were there they started the dig. Fascinating.
Having time to spare, we went on to Falkland Palace. We visited this town once before but it wasn't open so we wanted to visit again. Today we were in luck. This was an interesting palace. Not a ruin at all, but complete and furnished inside, although one wing was destroyed many years ago by fire and is a ruin itself. This visit exceeded our expectations.
Once we were done here, we headed back towards Edinburgh, diverting through Perth. We made a brief stop at North Queensferry to park under the rail bridge and show Dad the view. Then we crossed the bridge, and returned the car to the airport where we had picked it up.
Another weekend road trip over. Stay tuned, there is another next weekend.
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